Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Way Cute Picture Fun and Pumpkin Bread

Look what I learned to do tonight! It is not perfect, but I thought it rather nifty :).
I was going to do it on a wedding photo, but the cd's are in the room with sleeping Avi.
Here is the Link for the tutorial

I made Pumpkin Bread today- yum!
3 1/2
c. Flour
3 c. sugar (I left out abt 1/2 c)
2 tsp soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 pkg vanilla pudding (I couldn't find vanilla in my pantry, so I used cheesecake- it worked!)
2 1/2 TBLS pumpkin spice

2 1/2 c pumpkin
1/2 c. oil
4 eggs
2/3 c. water

mix and bake at 350* for 50-60 min
Opt 1/2-1 c. pecans (wish I had remembered to try some!)

Avi loves the pumpkin bread- she points to it to ask for more- I try to limit it, so she doesn't end up sick again!
She had a major poop out- again! I think part of it is that we are in between diaper sizes- so nothing fits quite right..
I got to talk to Gunnar- Hallelujah! finally Five days! I was going way crazy- the sad thing is- I was so down today, I was even down when talking to him- it was a big down to come out of. But I feel better now. Goodness, I can't wait for him to be home!

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