Thursday, March 29, 2012


ha ha ha.. I am getting really bad at writing.. We are living with Gunnar's family right now. I feel it is similar to living at my mom's because everyone is gone during the day.
Avi loves to "jump"- she says 'jump' and tries to get off the ground. She has located grandma's and grandpa's shoes under their bed and loves to sneak them out. She also, so my shock enjoys going into their bathroom to go into the shower- shocking because she does not like showers. The other day she had very unpleasant one because she opened the lavender oil while I was changing her diaper and dropped some into her eye- poor kid!
Gage is getting so big! I am finding it more of a challenge to hold him as I nurse. I got on the scale with him the other day, and with clothes/diaper on he is eleven pounds!! What a man!
Sleep has ever been an adventure. The other night Avi was up from 11 pm to about what was it 4 am?? I don't know, but I would get her to settle, then I would hear Gage and go to take care of him, and there would go Avi, finally thankfully Teresja was visiting, and she came up to help out with Gage as I was with Avi. We were all so tired- the next day I found two new teeth coming in.
Avi loves to swing. She'll swing around twenty minutes. Avi has really enjoyed playing with her cousin Lilly- when she is around. Avi has the cutest garbally tongued way of saying Lilly. She is liking to find drinks in odd places- the water in the bowl from rinsing the grapes, or the water in the dishwasher after it has been run, or on the swing after it has rained- right next to the bird poop- is has been an adventure to keep her safe. She also picked up a little bit of poo out of the dirt filled wheel barrow out front... She has become familiar with the "choo choo's" that pass rather often, and enjoys seeing the horses at the neighbor's.
Gage is becoming a bit particular- he usually starts to complain when I turn out the lights- he also likes to sleep with me, but mostly he is very chill and rarely cries.
I am reading the Fable Haven series. It is fun to be reading. I also have recently finished Change Your Questions, Change Your Life by Sis. Nelson. I really enjoyed and would love to work through it some more. It has some great tips and ideas.
We went to Pocatello today to look for outfits to wear to Emily's wedding. We were able to find a sweet dress for Avi, but no luck for Gage or me. Avi loved the play ground at the mall. She was quite the climber up 'the mountain' that was steps on one side and slide down the others. She really does enjoy being out. Grandma took her on one those mechanical vehicles that move when you put a quarter in. Avi really liked being in it, till it turned on :). She jumped out into Grandma's arms- and a little girl that was in the area hoped on to enjoy the ride.
I am getting anxious for Gunnar's return, maybe it is not a good thing it is getting closer... ha ha ha, but I am trying to stay relaxed it is still months off...

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